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127 lines
* Rewad2.c - Uses the routines in the QEU library to re-create a
* Quake WAD2 file from a list of separate files.
* Do whatever you want with this file, but don't blame me if
* something doesn't work. If you manage to destroy your hard disk
* with it, that's too bad for you... Use it at your own risks!
#include "qeu.h"
#include "q_misc.h"
#include "q_files.h"
#include "f_bitmap.h"
#include "f_wad2.h"
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *filename;
FILE *file;
FILE *srcfile;
int ftype;
WAD2DirPtr dir;
UInt16 dirsize;
char *indexname = NULL;
Bool convert = FALSE;
UInt32 size, count;
char *entryname;
UInt8 type;
/* read the parameters... */
for (argv++, argc--; argc && **argv == '-'; argv++, argc--)
if ((*argv)[1] == 'h')
fprintf(stderr, "REWAD2 %s by Raphael Quinet\n\n", QEU_VERSION);
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: rewad2 [-h] [-c] [-i <indexfile>] file.wad [entryname...]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -h -- display this help screen\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -c -- convert BMP files to bitmaps\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -i -- get the list of files from the specified index file\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Rewad2 will create a WAD2 file containing all the files specified on the\n");
fprintf(stderr, "command line, or append them to the WAD2 file if it already exists\n");
fprintf(stderr, "If the -i option is used, the list of files is read from the specified\n");
fprintf(stderr, "index file (usually %s, as created by unwad2).\n", QEU_INDEX_FILE);
else if ((*argv)[1] == 'c')
convert = TRUE;
else if ((*argv)[1] == 'i' && argc-- > 1)
indexname = *++argv;
ProgError("Invalid argument (%s). Use rewad2 -h for help.", *argv);
if (argc <= 0)
ProgError("Missing argument. Use rewad2 -h for help.");
filename = *argv;
if (indexname == NULL && argc < 2)
ProgError("List of files missing. Use rewad2 -h for help.");
if (convert == TRUE)
ProgWarning("Option -c not implemented yet. Ignored.\n"); /*! ... */
/* check if the file exists */
file = OpenFileReadMagic(filename, &ftype);
if (file == NULL)
/* create a new WAD2 file */
file = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (file == NULL)
ProgError("Cannot create file (%s)", filename);
if (WriteWAD2Header(file, &count, &dir, &dirsize) == FALSE)
ProgError("Cannot write WAD2 file header");
/* append to an existing WAD2 file */
if (ftype != FTYPE_WAD2)
ProgError("File is not a WAD2 file (%s)", filename);
dir = ReadWAD2Directory(file, 0L, &dirsize);
if (dir == NULL)
ProgError("Cannot read main directory from %s", filename);
/* re-open file for writing */
file = fopen(filename, "r+b");
count = dir[dirsize - 1].offset + dir[dirsize - 1].size;
if (file == NULL || fseek(file, count, SEEK_SET) < 0)
ProgError("Cannot re-open file for writing (%s)", filename);
/* parse the index file and read all the files listed in it */
if (indexname != NULL)
ProgError("Option -i not implemented yet. Sorry...\n"); /*! missing */
/* if there are extra arguments on the command line, read these files too */
for (argv++, argc--; argc; argv++, argc--)
entryname = QStrNDupHack(*argv, 16);
/* hack for guessing the type of the entry... */
if (!strnicmp(entryname, "PALETTE", 7))
type = '@';
else if (!strnicmp(entryname, "CONBACK", 7)
|| !strnicmp(entryname, "CONCHARS", 8))
type = 'E';
type = 'B';
srcfile = fopen(*argv, "rb");
if (srcfile == NULL)
ProgError("File not found (%s)", *argv);
size = GetFileSize(srcfile);
printf("Copying %lu bytes from %s\n", size, *argv);
if (CopyBytes(file, srcfile, size) == FALSE)
ProgError("Cannot copy data");
if (AddWAD2Entry(file, &count, &dir, &dirsize, entryname, size, type) == FALSE)
ProgError("Cannot register entry in WAD2 directory (%s)", entryname);
/* write the directory */
size = WriteWAD2Directory(file, &count, dir, dirsize);
if (size == 0L)
ProgError("Cannot write WAD2 directory");
printf("Total size of %s: %lu bytes\n", filename, size);
/* close the file and say goodbye */